Kosher Passover

How to Make Your Office Cubicle Kosher for Passover

Kosher for Passover Office - Rabbi Jason Miller

(c) Rabbi Jason Miller | | Twitter: @RabbiJason |
Israel Kosher

Chooters… Oy!

I just read that the chain Hooters is coming to Tel Aviv. Since it’s Tel Aviv there is really no surprise here — neither by the lack of modesty by the dress of the waitresses nor by the treif food.

Here’s some of the article below. The entire article can be found here.

Hooters heads for the Holy Land

U.S. chain to bring spicy chicken wings and Hooters Girls to Tel Aviv, says restaurants won’t be kosher.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) — U.S. restaurant chain Hooters, known for waitresses in low-cut blouses and short skirts, will open its first branch in Israel this summer, in the Mediterranean seaside city of Tel Aviv.

“I strongly believe that the Hooters concept is something that Israelis are looking for,” Ofer Ahiraz, who bought the Hooters franchise for Israel, told Reuters on Monday. “Hooters can suit the Israeli entertainment culture.”

At Hooters, scantily clad waitresses the company calls Hooters Girls serve spicy chicken wings, sandwiches, seafood and drinks.

Ahiraz said a specific location in Tel Aviv, Israel’s most cosmopolitan city, had yet to be chosen, but he said it would not open restaurants near large religious populations, and they would not be kosher.

He said his plan was to open as many as five Hooters restaurants in the next few years, including one in the southern resort city of Eilat.

The Tel Aviv version of Hooters is expected to mimic most of the chain’s other 430 restaurants in the United States and in 23 countries including China, Switzerland, Australia and Brazil.

(c) Rabbi Jason Miller | | Twitter: @RabbiJason |
Food Kosher

Another Kosher Subway Restaurant

Kosher-SubwayMy wife and I ate at the Kosher Subway restaurant located at the Cleveland Ohio JCC a few months ago when we were in town for the Friends of the Israel Defense Forces and Cleveland Cavaliers/Maccabi Tel Aviv basketball game. In addition to getting the chance to see our friend Rabbi Steve Weiss of B’nai Jeshurun, we really enjoyed being able to order a meatball and [parve] “cheese” sub and a sub loaded with delicious deli meats.

I thought it was much better than the Subway experience I remember from Jerusalem in 1996 when there was still a Subway restaurant on Jaffa Street downtown.

Kosher-SubwayWell, it looks like a new Subway restaurant is set to open this April in Los Angeles.

Hopefully there will be more Kosher Subway restaurants opening soon in Jewish communities like Chicago, Atlanta or Detroit.

(c) Rabbi Jason Miller | | Twitter: @RabbiJason |
Conservative Judaism Jewish Kosher

Kosher Plus

Kosher than a jar of another brand of salsa even if it bears a heksher (authorized symbol of kashrut certification) as well. With PauRabbi Jason Millerl Newman donating all his Newman’s Own net profits to tzedakah (charity), we have the ethical obligation to support his company’s products. [He’s donated over $200 million to charity thusfar, not to mention his salsa is very good] Now the Conservative Movement is coming along and considering the creation of an additional label that would identify a product as meeting ethical standards as well as the standards of the Jewish dietary laws.

Here’s the article from the Forward about this “Heksher Tzedek


Conservatives might mark food for ethics

The Conservative movement is considering labeling kosher food according to the ethical standards by which it is produced.

A commission appointed by the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the Rabbinical Assembly is debating the creation of a social responsibility certification.

The commission was created in response to recent reports of unsafe working conditions and labor violations at AgriProcessors of Postville, Iowa, one of the nation’s largest kosher meat-packing plants.

The new label would be concerned primarily with protecting workers’ rights, in accordance with Jewish law.

It would be an additional label placed onto food already carrying traditional kosher certification.

(c) Rabbi Jason Miller | | Twitter: @RabbiJason |

Kosher News

Duncan Hines to Offer OU Certified Pareve Cakes Again

There is good news for kosher consumers who want their Duncan Hines Moist Deluxe Cake Mixes, certified kosher by the Orthodox Union, to have pareve and non-dairy status. The company has reversed a decision made in 2005 to switch the product to dairy, therefore rendering it unusable for cakes that are served with meat meals at the Sabbath table. The product line includes Moist Deluxe Classic Yellow, the best selling cake mix in the country, and other consumer favorites such as Devil’s Food, Lemon Supreme and Butter Recipe Golden.

Pareve production began in September and Duncan Hines has begun shipping product to stores. It should be in most locations by November and December, the company says.

In other Kashrut news from the cRc website:

Pocahontas Brand Pork and Beans in Tomato Sauce– Food Service (#10 can) mistakenly bears an unauthorized OU symbol. The product is being withdrawn from the marketplace.

Dominion Farms in Texas has made statements that might be construed as them being under the supervision of the cRc. They have supplied live cattle for kosher shechita, but are not certified by the cRc.

It has come to our attention that packages of barley, such as those used for soup or cholent, may contain larva, insects or even live worms! This problem is not isolated to any specific brand or store. It is strongly suggested that each package of barley, or other similar grains, be inspected prior to use.

Bareman’s Gourmet Heavy Cream is dairy, as indicated on the ingredient panel. However, the “D” was inadvertently omitted and the package only bears a plain cRc. The product is indeed dairy. Future packaging is being revised.

KNORR BEEF BOUILLON (the kosher variety) which contains lactose, has been erroneously been marked as Pareve. The product is Dairy.

So, to recap… Duncan Hines cakes are pareve again, pork is still treif(!), Beef Bouillon is Dairy, and beware of live worms in your cholent. Betei’avon and beware!

(c) Rabbi Jason Miller | | Twitter: @RabbiJason |

Pot Bust; Treif Bust

What’s worse? Finding over 700 pounds of pot at a Kosher Slaughterhouse or finding out that the Kosher Slaughterhouse isn’t so Kosher after all?

From the Forward:

Pot Bust, Meat Scam Hit Kosher Companies

By Nathaniel Popper

The evening of August 30 was a dark one for the kosher food industry.

First, a group of rabbis in New York discovered boxes upon boxes of nonkosher meat in the warehouse of a major kosher meat distributor. At roughly the same time, in Pennsylvania, federal agents seized 726 pounds of marijuana at a kosher slaughterhouse.

The drug bust occurred in Birdsboro at the G & G Poultry facility, which produces kosher chicken under the strictest rabbinic supervision. According to an affidavit from a federal customs agent, the authorities tracked the movement of marijuana in and out of the factory’s parking lot for more than a week before moving in. Of the four people who were arrested during the raid, three appeared to be G & G employees; however, none of them was Jewish. Two of the men arrested in the bust, which was first reported by the Reading Eagle, were undocumented Mexican immigrants, authorities said in a statement.

For kosher consumers, the more disconcerting news came from Monsey, N.Y., where rabbis found packages of nonkosher meat in the storeroom of a local kosher meat distributor. There was no immediate announcement about how long the nonkosher meat had been on the shelves, but Monsey, a heavily Orthodox town, has been plastered with handbills and letters warning residents to ritually cleanse, or kasher, any kitchen supplies that may have touched meat from the wholesaler, Shevach Quality Meats.

Giving voice to the gravity of the issue, Rabbi Meir Weissmandel, a local eminence, wrote a letter to locals Sunday, September 3, speaking of “this appalling transgression: the conspiracy of betrayers who misled the many and deceived in order to mislead Jewish souls and make them impure.” [more…]

(c) Rabbi Jason Miller | | Twitter: @RabbiJason |
Food Jewish Kosher

Ohio has a new Subway!

Yes, Ohio has a new subway and I’m not talking about public transportation! Apparently some Jews in Cleveland have accomplished one of my own personal dreams by establishing a Kosher Subway restaurant in the U.S.

I’ll be moving to Columbus on Friday to begin my new position as rabbi of Congregation Agudas Achim, and I’m sure I’ll visit Cleveland a few times during the year, if for no other reason than to have a little Kosher subway.

Kosher Subway RestaurantHere is an excerpt from the article that appeared in the Cleveland Jewish News:

‘Subway guy’ helps open kosher Subway@theJ

By Alan Smason, Staff Reporter

Thanks to a strict diet of health-conscious Subway sandwiches, Jared Fogle may be less than 50% his former size, but he is still 100% Jewish and delighted to be associated with the first North American kosher Subway, recently opened at the JCC.

“I think it’s great,” says the 28-year-old Fogle, in talking about the Subway’s new location and its foray into kosher. “I’m very proud of it, and hopefully, it will be the first of many to come.”

Although he doesn’t heavily promote his Jewish background, Fogle still feels a connection to Judaism. “I grew up in Indianapolis, and the JCC was a big part of my life,” he boasts. “I spent many summers at the JCC, so to have a Subway at the JCC means a lot to me.”

Known to millions today as “the Subway guy,” Fogle became an overnight celebrity after filming his first TV commercial for Subway in January 2000. In it, he admitted to shedding 245 pounds in one year by adhering to a low-fat diet of no breakfast, two Subway sandwiches a day and diet soda or water. Fogle also added exercise – mostly walking – to round out his regimen.

“It just clicked,” Fogle said as he described his dieting experience. “I lived next door to a Subway on campus, and I basically asked ‘What if …?'” [more]

(c) Rabbi Jason Miller | | Twitter: @RabbiJason |